Pride 2020 Celebrations - Lou & Sam’s love story


In the first of the Love Stories this week to celebrate Pride, Lou writes about her and Sam’s love story and how their love really does conquer all. Their wedding may have been postponed but their love is stronger than ever. Thank You both for sharing your story 🌈 …

Sam and I both work in the NHS, it's kinda hard to pin point exactly how we got together (and maybe also our secret lol) but we worked together for a short time, became social media friends, then chatted then met up, and from that 1st meet up we have been together ever since. We met up with "what even is this?" That was 3.5 years ago. It turns out it was the best thing to ever happen to both of us. We were both known straight, both had heterosexual relationships before, the first same sex relationship for us both. It was crazy exciting but most of all it was and always will be Love. Since meeting at Sam and I have been inseperable. I have never known a love like this before, she never fails to amaze me, she is my soul mate as well as my best friend and feel so lucky to have found this person. We are getting married in now April 2021 (cheers to Covid, postponed from Oct 2020) and we just cannot wait!

Our Hope's and dreams for married life together - to continue to be best friends, each others rock, and go to person, to have fun and see the world together. We hope to extend our family next year. We already have Nate (Sam's biological son 13 years old) we know it will be a long road, we are both almost 40, but like everything else if it's meant to be it will be, and as long as we are together everything will be ok.

Pride is actually huge to us. Our relationship has come at a price. In choosing each other we have both lost our relationships with 3 out of 4 parents. My mum does not agree with my same sex relationship, and point blank refuses to accept my happiness. This hurts me to the core. But the love i have found with Sam is something i cant give up just because my mum wont support it. Sams parents are also similar, they believe Sam has made the wrong choice and do not support our relationship and have made it clear they will never accept me. This is emotionally and mentally hard that both sets of parents have turned their backs on their only daughters because we found love with each other. We are proud of ourselves to keep fighting for us, for each other, for what we want, even when times are unbearable because you never expected the people who you truly believed would always support you, to let you down. We are PROUD to have a love that many people can only dream of xx

#youmeuswe #globalpride

Lottie Haigh